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WWW Wednesday #2

I’m back with a post! I’ve been kinda absent lately because of the state of the world and being busy with work so I’m here with a small WWW update. Not that I’ve managed a whole lot of reading since my last post. 

WWW Wednesday is a book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. It involves answering the following questions:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you plan on reading next?

What are you currently reading?

74273I’m currently reading (albeit) slowly, Traitor’s Moon by Lynn Flewelling. Traitor’s Moon is book 3 of the Nightrunner series, which is an old-school queer fantasy that follows Seregil and Alec on their adventures. I love this series so much. It had been a while since I read book 2, so it’s been fun to be back in the Nightrunner world.


What did you recently finish reading?

50904441._SX318_SY475_I finished Proper’s Demon by K.J. Parker a few days ago. It’s a novella from about a (very morally grey) exorcist. I gave it three stars, whilst it wasn’t mind blowing it was enjoyable to read and it was nice to be able to finish something in one go that didn’t need a while lot of concentration.


What do you plan on reading next?

33973264That’s a very good question. Lately I haven’t been able to really plan on what I pick up because giving how finicky my mood has been when it comes to what I feel like reading, I haven’t stuck to a tbr or the sense of obligation will just kill my reading mood.

That said, I’m thinking of picking up The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant soon, since it’s a review copy and an anticipated read. Finger’s crossed it lives up to the hype!

Until next time x